

How to apply on google adsen through blogger

How to apply on  google adsen through blogger

simply go to  then enter the login id and password and then click sign in button below the password 
now select the blog for which you want to add google adsen
select the earning tab from bloggers dashboard  after clicking new  adsen options view on the same window  blogger and google adsen
click sign up for adsen button 
now again after clicking new images etc available on same window now you will see below two options available first is yes proced to google account signin and second is create new google account so click on proced button now you will be redirected to new window enter the password and signin  
now again you will be redirected your old blogger window and  now you will see it ask to proced  just click the continued button
now fill the form  plz select the original name address phone number etc information  and last step is click submit application
your adsen application send successfully to google adsen
in earning tab adsen show if google adsen is approved or disapprover
in case not send the aplicationthrough blogger  google send  info to your gmail account
wait for a day google send account info to place a blank ad on your site and then google review the website if adsen approved advt display in your  blog otherwise a mail came from google adsen with review why it reject
enjoy friends……………

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