

increase blogger seo by adding meta tags

increase blogger seo by adding  meta tags

 increase blogger seo by adding meta tags

meta tag plays a very important role to make blog seo strong 
in this post i will show you how to increase seo by adding meta tags in your blog

1)sign in to
2)select the blog in which you want to add meta tags
3)In dashboard in left hand side you will see many options click on SETTING then click on SEARCH PREFERENCES you will see search preference page
4)on search preference page you will see mete tag option click on EDIT option to add meta tages in descriptions box and click SAVE CHANGES button
5)now when you write any post on write side you will find search description option click on that and write some thing related to your article to increase seo and click save on that button
and publish the post
this meta tags will definitely help your blog to increase blog visibility and increase seo

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