

how to host website on Google drive

 Free web-hosting on Google drive, how to host website on Google drive

We find many time a free website hosting  site or a place where we can store our useful files but did not found the safe and secure drive to store the files but today we share  about  the best ,useful and more than that  a web-hosting  or drive where you can store your own personal as well as public date ,files etc.   more than  that  you can also store your whole website for free on Google drive with same security as we get on other web hosting  follow the below steps to store  or to host website for  free on Google drive

STEP 1  : -  First go to   and on the top of that page you will see  a  “ DRIVE “ option click on that link

STEP2  : -  Now you will be redirected to Google   drive page or you can open this page from this link

STEP 3 : -  If you have any Google account open the Google account  by that id or create a new one

Enter the email id  and password and sign in

STEP 4 : -now click on  the folder icon .A pop up window opens  write the name of the folder and click on   create button

STEP 5  : - now you will see a new folder . click the left side  check box  within the same folder row.

STEP 6 : - Clicking on that check box  you will see three new options see above image  image

STEP 7: - click on + share button. a new pop up window opens that contain a sharing  link and  an option “WHO HAS ACCESS ”  CLICK  CHANGE  SETTING  AGAIN NEW POP BLOCK OPEN contain public.private or anyone  click on “PUBLIC ON THE WEB  RADIO BUTTON”  and then click save then done button  now it’s time to upload website files

STEP 8 : - click on that folder  and upload files now click on index  check box and copy address bar codes after folder / line just copy and now write /paste here that code

your website is ready with a free web-hosting  Google drive

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